Works and work processes for the exhibition "life during wartime".
Markthalle Basel, 2023-2024, Pictures from stöckerselig and Sibylle Feucht
Offspace Spot, Markthalle Basel, Steinentorberg 20, 4051 Basel
In an artistically sensitive reflection, fourteen artists come together to negotiate life in times of war. The wars in Ukraine and the Gaza Strip are currently very explosive. The project aims to engage the audience with narrative elements.
The artists and curators are:
Yota Tsotra, Markus Goessi, Birgit Kempker, Stephan Wittmer, Nika Timashkova, Rainer Barzen, Sibylle Völkin, Ingrid Roscheck, Sibylle Feucht, stöckerselig, Anna Byskov, Nicolas Clair, Pat Treyer, Matthias Aeberli